Crate training of Bernese Mountain Dog- An Ultimate Guide

tis is for crate training of bernese mountain dog step by step through positive reinforcements and rewarding. By following the simple steps you can crate train your Bernese.

Do you want to know about the crate training of Bernese Mountain Dog? Caret training your Bernese Mountain Dog is a Splendid idea for it’ll help you:

  • Get an obedient kiddo
  • Travel safely with your pup
  • Keep the Bernese safe inside the home when you’re out
  • Avoid mess in your absence.

The good news is, the good chances are that you’ll successfully train your Bernese Mountain Dog for a crate. The reason is their cooperative and obedient behavior being family dogs. But, you can only do it if you’re careful with training your dog for its little den.

Don’t worry; this guide will help you here. You only need to read it thoroughly and practice with patience and optimism. Here we go!


Crate Training of Bernese Mountain Dog – Step by Step

Crate training usually starts when the dogs are young puppies, which is relatively easy as they grow and are quite adamant and enthusiastic about learning. 

  • Get Required Supplies and Make Preparations

Dogs rarely like a dirty place to sleep, so they’ll try to discharge some other place from their crate. Hence, if you need to train your puppy in this form, you need not work hard. All you would need are some treats, the right crate, time, and together with patience, this training is a piece of cake.

Bernese Mountain Dogs need to follow these similar procedures as many other dogs from relatively calm breeds. They’re adamant about training but are slow learners, so you need to practice patience. To train your Bernese, follow these steps.

  • Pick the Right Crate for your Bernese Mountain Dog and Make it Comfortable.

Bernese dogs are eager to please, and training them would not be difficult. For this purpose, one of the most important things is the size of the crate and type of crate, just like choosing a dog bed

Bernese are furry, and those fancy plastic crates are a big “NO” for them. They can be too warm. So, you need to pick an adjustable crate with a sufficient air supply and make it easy with the help of a cozy dog bed, especially in winters. 


You can hope to use this crate in the coming years, so have one that’s sturdy. A wired crate with some bed (optional in winter) will be great). And, for some grownup Bernese, a crate measuring 36″ X 24″ X 27H” or 40″ X 26″ X 30″H can suffice.

  • Locate the Crate at the Right Place 

Keep in mind that dogs, especially Bernese Mountain Dogs are good with kids and social to make them perfect family dogs. Locating their crate in an isolated place may do more harm than good, as they may become unhappy in it. 

The best place for your dog’s crate will be a place where everyone spends a lot of time in. It can be the living room, in most cases. That’ll be foolproof in most cases unless your dog shows discomfort in the area.

  • Get the Right Treats and Toys 

Most of us are familiar with using treats to bribe our pets to get our way. Although they aid in training, it’s essential to know how to choose dog training treats

For treats, it is better if you use low-calorie bite-sized treats. It’ll prevent obesity while motivating and encouraging your dog to go through the training. As for toys, chewable hollow toys are probably a good option.

Why hollow toys?

You can put the treats inside the toy, show it to your dog and then put the toy in the crate. It’ll also motivate the dog to go into the crate.

Introduce the Crate to Dog

There’s an easy way to go about training your dog. Once you have the required items — a crate, treats, and some toys, you can start. 

Before training officially begins, a good thing to do is to let your dog inspect their crate and get familiar with it. Introducing them to their crate and giving them ample time to look around will help you train them.

Get your Bernese Mountain Dog into the Crate.

After your dog is comfortable enough and has got the time to know its crate, it’s time for the next step. Try to coax your dog into the crate using treats. By throwing one inside the crate to enter the space and then rewarding them again once they do. You’ll have to do this a few times before your puppy is ready to spend some time in its crate.

Increase the Time Gradually

To avoid the negative effect of this crate training on your Bernese Mountain Dog, increase the time spent gradually. Your friendly Bernese Mountain Dog shouldn’t feel restricted.

Turn the Crate into a Dogs Home by Letting them Spend Extended Time

The last step to training is to make the crate a homey place for your dog. One way to do this will be to associate happiness and comfort with the crate. 

You can do this by rewarding them with their meal when they are in the crate. It’ll develop a relationship between your puppy and their crate, and they’ll start caring for it.

At this stage, initially leave your dog to spend plenty of time, keeping their relieving needs in view during the daytime and keeping the door closed. Later on, when your Bernese puppy is fine with the new habit, let him sleep in the crate at night, with the door closed.

Tips for Effective and Positive Crate Training of Bernese Mountain Dog

Your dog requires time outside the box to play, eat, and relieve himself. Dogs do not want to soil their sleeping areas, but they may do so if they go too long without a stroll.

  • Never Try to Crate Train your dog when they’re Energetic and not Hungry!

One can only look for a bed when low or tired, right? The same goes with your Bernese Mountain Dog. 

Training your dog can be challenging when they’re in a mood for play or socializing. So, wait for the hours when they demand rest.

Likewise, the treats might not work well when your dog is full. So, the best time for crate training is when the dog is hungry and tired.

  • Play Crate Games 

The crate should not be seen negatively by the dog. To accomplish this, incorporate the crate into engaging games to invite the pup to enter and exit freely.


  • Keep your Dog’s “Naked” in the Crate

Your Bernese puppy should never go in the crate with a collar or tags. Why? If the tag becomes entangled in the crate, the dog may strangle, and an unwelcoming accident can harm them physically and psychologically forever.   

  • Don’t Leave a Bernese Puppy in a Crate for longer.

It’s not advisable to leave a Bernese dog below 6 months in the crate for over 3-4 hours in winters and 3 hours in summers. The reason is their thick coat.  

  • Keep Watch on your Bernese Mountain Dog in the Crate 

No, you don’t need it when at home, yet you can use a recording device to keep a check on your dog’s activity in the caret when you’re absent, especially for long hours like dinner, etc.

During the initial period of training and later on, it’ll help you keep the history of your dog and its behavior.

  • Use Consistent Phrases for Appreciation and Commands

Crate training is best done when it’s combined well with the phrases, and the dog takes it as “sound.” You can use your favorite phrase like “good boy” or “good girl,” etc. But make sure you don’t mess with these sounds. So, keep them simple by sticking to one phrase only.

Let me make it clear, you should not repeat a phrase several times. It’ll make your dog ignore your call or react after a delay.

  • Be Consistent and Patient

One of the most common questions about dogs’ crate training is, “how long will it take.” I give a straight answer of “six months.” 

It sounds tough, but to infuse that idea of crate and happiness, it demands 6 months. If it happens earlier, it’s rewarding for you.

Complications to Expect while Crate Training your Bernese Mountain Dog

As an owner, it’s your responsibility to make sure your dog’s crate is a safe place for them. It is the safest place for your pet at night or when you are not at home. However, sometimes keeping your dog in a crate may do them more harm than good.

Don’t Use the Crate to Punish your Dog. 

You should never crate your dog as punishment or as a way to get them out of your way. Remember that the crate is a safe and personal space for dogs associated with happy memories.

If disciplining your dog seems necessary, do it for no longer than ten or fifteen minutes. Ensure that it is not for longer periods because your dog will become unhappy or uncomfortable seeing you angry.

 Other things you need to be careful of when crate training a Bernese Mountain Dog is;

Keep Bernese Mountain Dogs’ Bladder Holding Time in View

An important thing to keep in mind while crate training your dog is that you should never keep them in for longer than they can hold it in. When you keep your dog in there any longer, you’re essentially forcing them to discharge in their cage. It can have psychological consequences as they become unhappy about spoiling their den.

Separation Anxiety

If your dog claws or bites at their rate door to escape, they may suffer from separation anxiety. Here, you shouldn’t crate them because they can have both psychological and physical effects on your dog. They may whine more and become unhappy.

Weather conditions

Keeping your Bernese dog in a crate while the weather is hot is just not right. Instead, allow them to roam around and cool themselves if they get hot and uncomfortable.

Other than these, you should be mindful of your dog’s reaction to their crate. If your dog is afraid of being alone in the cage and is whining, it is a sign not to continue with this practice. Rather, try to work on your house training and making the crate a safe place for your puppy. There may be medical issues that you may want to consult your vet about.

If your dog spoils their crate, evaluate and work on their house training again. It can be alarming. Several reasons might be incorporated here like:

You should also ensure that your dog is getting enough exercise and socializing time if you move on with their crate training.

Bernese Mountain Dogs require a lot of attention, especially when young. Keep them in their crates for not over thirty minutes. You should focus on creating a bond between yourself and your puppy and between your puppy and their crate during this time.

Consider if your dog Whines in their crate

There can be a lot of reasons your dog may be unhappy in their crate, separation anxiety for one. You should know to check these general things to figure out what matters is to make sure your dog is the most comfortable.

The first thing you should consider is the crate itself; maybe it’s too small or is too tight for the dog. This can lead to your dog feeling disturbed. The fault can also be in their house training, and do it all over again in a better fashion. They may feel restless due to not getting enough exercise or may just be going through separation anxiety.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are Bernese Mountain Dogs hard to train?

Like most dogs, Bernese Mountain Dogs are eager to make their owners happy and proud of them. So, they will not be difficult to train. However, the training should start at a young age as they are more susceptible. They are also less likely to cause damage accidentally when they are young and are easier to handle. Anyway, a few treats should do the trick if things get difficult.

  • Why is crate training bad?

Many people associate the crate with animal cruelty, as locking an animal in a tight space is inhumane. This allegation is partially true as there is an element of animal cruelty that many people attach to it, but in the end, all of it depends on the animal’s happiness. If your dog is happy and comfortable in the crate, there will be no problem keeping it in a crate.

  • How long is too long for a dog to be in a crate at night?

With crate training, you can leave your dog alone for as long as seven to eight hours. However, leaving them alone for a long time may cause destructive behavior. A dog can spend in its crate depending on its age and habits. 

Puppies no older than two months old should be left alone in their crates for three hours at most. This time increases as they grow older.

In any circumstance, however, leaving your dog in their crate for as long as ten hours may be considered abuse. An adult dog can still spend the entire night in a crate given that they get ample exercise and interactions in the mornings. They need a minimum of thirty minutes of exercise daily. It’s important because dogs are social creatures and feel the best when moving around and playing a lot.

  • Should I cover and lock my puppy’s crate at night?

Covering your puppy’s crate may make them feel safer in their space, but make sure that you don’t cover it fully because it can block or reduce airflow. You can cover all sides of the crates as long as your dog can properly breathe inside them.

Locking your puppy inside their crate may not be a good idea, since they can’t control their bladder for long. This may force them to discharge in the crate itself, which will then destroy all purposes of crate training. For older dogs, you can lock them overnight.

However, keep in mind that dogs may suffer from separation anxiety if you lock them. To prevent this, keep the crate closer to your bed or where your dog will see you or hear you at night.

  • Should I put my dog in a crate at night?

Well, to answer that, we need first to assess the situation. Many factors go behind this; the dog’s size when they need to relieve themselves.

 These go together to answer the question; for example, if your dog needs to relieve themselves every three hours, you would need to open their crate at that interval. Otherwise, they might get sick, which is the worst case that can cause an organ failure or even death. 

However, if they can go the whole night without ever needing to relieve themselves, then you can put them in the crate at night. Beware; still, you need to check your dog for patience.

  • What is the best way to train a Bernese Mountain Dog?

The best way to train your Bernese Mountain Dog is to train them at a young age. Crate training should not be overbearing for your dog. Keep it short but reinforce it multiple times a day at first. As an owner, you must make sure that you focus on positive enforcement while training your dog. Use treats and toys to reward them instead of being angry.

Punishing your dog will only confuse them and make them afraid of you. With Bernese dogs, stubbornness will not be an immense problem, as they’ll please you. They’re also sensitive, and you must deal with them calmly.

  • Where should my Bernese Mountain Dog sleep?

Your dog’s crate is the best place where your Bernese Mountain Dog can sleep. You can keep the door open to help your dog relieve.

Final Thoughts

Crate training Bernese Mountain Dog isn’t a hard nut to crack. With patience and the right usage of the above-mentioned steps and techniques, you can train your lovely dog. is a participant in the Amazon Associate program and will earn from qualifying purchases.